News | May 17, 2011 | No Comments

Its obvious that Youtube is also a search engine because you can search for videos with a particular term.  I have tested and found out so many ways to optimize your videos for Youtube and achieve awesome results.  Its incredible how powerful this knowledge is and its not even that hard in comparison to website search engine optimization- that’s because there isn’t as much competition in Youtube SEO.

I always had great success with search engine optimization with Youtube but never tried to actually optimize my Youtube home page or what they call “Channel”.

I was never really sure how effective optimizing my Channel for targeted search terms would actually be. I was skeptical because I didn’t see many Channel pages actually ranking high for terms and mostly saw individual videos ranking.

It turns out, the reason that I didn’t see many Channels ranking for terms was mainly because no one was actually optimizing for it.

There are many parts you need to optimize your Youtube Channel for SEO just like regular pages but the most important in the changing the title of the page. I changed the title of one of my Youtube Channel’s with two important search terms and checked back in a month (note the example below isn’t the one I’m talking about). When I checked back, the actual channel ranked on the first page for both terms.

An example of Youtube search engine optimization by changing title.

You can change your Youtube Channel title by clicking on the settings tab. Change the title to whatever you desire and hit save.

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