News | May 25, 2011 | No Comments

Personalizing emails sent to your email newsletter list can help improve its open rate and click through rate if you include a link.  But my email newsletter service provider which is Aweber sent me some interesting stats about personalizing your emails for the best open rate.

They stated that:

Subject line personalization using the date generated an average open rate of 51.4% compared to personalization using the subscriber’s first name generating 40.9% open rate. Newsletters sent without personalization of any type in the subject line generated average open rates of 28.9%.

17% of newsletter subject lines sent in the last 30 days contained date personalization while 19% used the subscriber’s first name. 56.3% of subject lines did not contain any type of personalization. Interestingly, using the subscriber’s full name or last name generated lower average open rates at 20%.

They collected this data from all of their clients. This information is very helpful and I actually tested this out myself. So I also found out the by using the personalized variable for the person’s name in the subject line did worst for open rates. I was shocked and I hope this tip helps you as well.

I think email marketing is awesome but you might also want to check out mobile marketing that I have been wanting to get into as well.

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