News | May 4, 2012 | No Comments

A buddy was emailing me about on page SEO questions so I figured they might be beneficial to other people also. So it is posted below:

So, I realized that it is probably a good idea to provide separate titles and meta descriptions/keywords for each page on my website since this stuff is listed under your links on major search engines. My questions:
1. Where can I go or what can I do to figure out which keywords are best for each page?
2. Is it OK to use “ | ” for each page?
3. How long is the standard keyword?
4. What if I use a keyphrase, how do I format it? i.e. bible_code or bible code
5. Does letter case matter? i.e bible code v Bible Code
6. Does word placement matter? i.e. bible code online v online bible code
7. How long does it take for search engines to update their index?

1. Its hard to categorize a keyword for a specific page sometimes such as contact us page. In those cases since the page is about contacting you rather than ranking for a keyword, I just like to include the main keyword or variations of the keyword in the title such as “Contact Us About Our “. This builds up relevancy for site for that keyword but doesn’t look too duplicated.

Find a keyword or variation of a keyword on the Google Keyword Tool for each specific page.

2. I am not a big fan of repeating the same title tag like that for every page in the beginning. I like the reversal way better because it looks a little less duplicated. I sometimes like to include the brand name first and then keywords on the home page. Then the opposite for the subpages. Such as | . If there are too many words similar each pages, Google doesn’t like it because its duplicated and title should should be descriptive of the page for users. If you have Google Webmaster Tools installed, it will tell you if its too similar.

3. Can vary especially for long tail keywords. Standard I guess would say 2-3 but Google keyword Tool will help point that out for you.

4. If you are talking about key phrase in the url, I like to use a hyphen because Google sees it as a space and its also a friendly url such as /key-word.php

5. Not really but capital letters could improve CTRs. I guess that would have to be tested.

6. A little bit. When including the more prominent keyword on other pages I like to vary it up to avoid duplicate a little and to ensure some traffic from those variations.

7. Depends on how much they like you. : ) Things which determines how often they crawl your site depends on stuff like your PageRank score and how often you add new content to the site in the past with things like blogging. Typically a few days – week.

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